Turnover: Record quarterly performance: €700 million €1.981 million at 30 September 2021
ソース: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 27 10 2021 10:45:00 America/Chicago
Record quarterly performance: €700 million
€1.981 million at 30 September 2021
in € million Q3 2021 Q3 2020 Change 9M 2021 9M
International412.6 307.3 +34.3% 1,150.9 854.0 +34.8% France 287.5 262.7 +9.4% 829.7 716.6 +15.8% Total 700.1 570.0 +22.8% 1,980.7 1,570.6 +26.1% SYNERGIE continued to generate growth with activity coming out very strong over the quarter and topping €700 million for the first time (+22.8%), while consolidated 9M turnover reached €1,980.7 million (+26.1% compared with 2020 on a like-for-like basis).
This performance was achieved thanks to the diversification strategy implemented in all countries in which the Group operates, giving rise to higher activity at 30 September 2021 than in the same period of 2019 (€1,967.5 million).
The positions previously won in growth sectors (logistics, call centers, healthcare, agri-food, environment, digital technology, building and public works and other activities relating to urban transformation) were strengthened during the quarter as SYNERGIE supported the dynamic growth trend experienced by its clients.
During this period, SYNERGIE once again saw very strong international growth (over 58% in consolidated terms), both in northern Europe (+21.1%), and in southern Europe (+47.9%) where Italy continues to play a driving role (accounting for nearly 24% of Group activity).
In France, H1 activity reached €829.7 million (€794.7 million excluding digital services), surpassing 2019 levels in the logistics and tertiary sectors. There were strong signs of a gradual recovery of the aeronautics sector, which is expected to speed up from the first quarter of 2022, while a partial lag in recovery is expected in the automotive sector.
DCS, the Group's digital services business, which is now wholly-owned by the Group, made turnover of €50.4 million, an increase of 8,7% over nine months, confirming our decision to make this business one of the Group’s strategic areas of development.
The SYNERGIE Group confirmed its full-year turnover target of over €2.6 billion, with its multi-sector and multi-client positionings contributing to its outstanding resilience.
Next event: Publication of 2021 full-year turnover on 2 February 2022 after the stock market closes.